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Interplanetary Shock (or CME Arrival)
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Location: Earth
Event Time: 2023-06-07T22:25Z ( ACE: MAG )
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Activity ID: 2023-06-07T22:25:00-IPS-001 (version 2)
Quality of ICME Signature: -1 (unspecified)
Note: Sudden increase in total magnetic field from about 5nT to just over 10nT at 22:25Z. Distinct jump in magnetic field components at 22:42Z. Sudden increase in solar wind speed at 22:25Z from 330km/s to 370km/s. Sudden increase in density at 22:25Z. There is a slight overall increase in temperature starting at about 19:00Z, but nothing sudden. From LASSOS team discussion: this signature is likely a flank arrival of a CME passing West of Earth.
Submitted on 2023-06-23T16:41Z by Anna Chulaki

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